50 x 50

Christy Nichols
5 min readJan 27, 2023

Nearly every morning, I sit on my back porch, a hot coffee in my hand and my little cat Tino sitting somewhere near, scanning the shrubbery for critters, and I write.

Sometimes I write about my dreams from the night before. Sometimes about my plans for the day ahead, capturing these thoughts in ink on paper.

On one such recent morning, I was inspired to write a 50 x 50 list. Fifty things to achieve by the age of fifty.

I’ve lived a vibrant, globe-traversing, adventurous, and inspiring entrepreneurial life to date, but for the past few years, I’ve been sitting still for longer than I used to. The creepy, sleepy Covid dream we were all a part of wasn’t to blame for all the sluggishness I’ve felt.

Lately, I’ve noticed an inner stirring to do more. Not just more travel. All the things I’m drawn to do. Fun things. Impactful things. Outrageous things. And to exercise these things with more intention.

So, cozy-ing up on my porch as the morning sunlight tap-danced through the tree leaves, Tino hunting small birds she found hopping and chirping in the shrubbery, I took pen to paper and started with the first 6 things that came to mind.

My favorite classical piece to listen to is Johan Pachelbel’s Canon D. If ever I don’t cry listening to this piece, I assure you, the tears are welling up at the door.



Christy Nichols

Educator, business owner, writer, do-gooder (mostly), trouble-maker (sometimes). Life Coach, Book Coach, Nicaragua Retreats hosted by www.venture-within.com