Bring On The Rain

Christy Nichols
2 min readSep 28, 2021

I’d love to write one of my real-life stories here that unravel into a deeper meaning, tying in with the personal growth workshops and life coaching I do.

You know . . . the comical or rocky stories from my life embedded with deeper learning that I hope is relatable to my readers.

But the truth is, it has been raining.

Life has poured out a storm these last two weeks, in all the ways a good, long-awaited rain should.

All my gardens, in life, love, and business have been watered by rain so abundantly, I feel like dancing in it.

It’s fair to say, I’m ever grateful and happy tired.

So, until next week, I leave you with this quote, as we round off September, and look ahead to a new month:

“Proceed as if success is inevitable”.

~ Christy

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Christy Nichols

Educator, business owner, writer, do-gooder (mostly), trouble-maker (sometimes). Life Coach, Book Coach, Nicaragua Retreats hosted by