Member-only story
Mimosas, Puppies, & All Our Favorite Things

My favorite Christmas Day photo features me and a cast of girlfriends celebrating a life abundant with our favorite things:
· Sunny weather
· Puppy dogs
· Pool days
· Mimosas
· Friends we love like family
What’s not pictured here is all the bad-assery each of these women have put into creating this kind of life for themselves.
- They slay all day (and nights) to run their own businesses.
- They fully nurture their relationships and families.
- They strive to take on adventurous challenges, such as surfing, traveling, exploring, or learning new skills in business or sport.
They sought out a life they wanted and work damn hard every day to live it.
I’m not saying that we don’t struggle. Some days the rain pours down so hard and drowns out all the things in life we’re trying to make grow. This happens constantly.
But we all keep our eye on the prize. We daily keep our mindset focused on how we want our life to be. We learn how to handle ourselves when life sucker-punches us, and which way to pivot our efforts.