When I think about choices I have made in the past relative to my career, relationship status, or family dynamics, I see patterns.
In the big picture, much of my life is a bright, sun-shiney story. Successful, blessed, loved, with rich travel experiences beyond measure:
- my friendships are solid
- I live on a gorgeous beach
- I’m passionate about my career
- and I can borrow my neighbour’s dog for puppy therapy at anytime.
But the lesser told side would reveal experiences that, when they unfold, left me frustrated, confused, disappointed, angry and bitter:
- Relationships that turned sour
- Business endeavors that fell short
- Living situations that didn’t serve my well-being
Both sides are results of choices I have made and patterns I tend to follow: the good, the bad, and the disenchanting.
Most of us carry stories of personal highs and lows. And most of us don’t care for experiencing the lows: Mistakes, challenges, changes.
Results that bum us out.